TFG - Personal Brand
M de eMe wants you to be in charge of the impact your actions have on the environment. It wants to act as a guide for you to make your own garments out of unused bed textile. You might not know this but only 10% of bed textile is actually recycled, which is pretty scary and worrying. The fashion industry is similar to an onion, only the more layers you take off, the uglier it gets; but this can and has to change. We offer you a watermelon, beautiful on the outside and exquisite on the inside.
We want to help you recycle and make your own pieces without depending on larger companies. We want to show you that a better reality is possible. We want to make you part of this change actively. We want you to do you. We want M de eMe to help you.
Truth is, it’s just me here. My name is Sofia and I’m a (fashion) designer. I myself have been vegan for more than 4 years and I try to be as sustainable as possible in my day-to-day life, so when the time came to create a fashion project that I was actually interested in, my baby was born. M de eMe is a project that seeks to help reduce the environmental impact of the textile industry. I believe in the Butterfly Effect with my whole heart, meaning that by doing things little by little in different places, our whole reality might change.
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